Thursday, October 22, 2015


Why won't these walls talk back..
I yell and shout, yet they stare at me, acting confused.
I know what they're up to.
My head explodes constantly. I try to paint what the voices say with my blood,
But I can never understand what exactly they want.
This abyss behind my ribs rage and conflict.
Darkness seeps from my stomach, spewing out my lips.
What a paradox.
I'm trapped inside a trapped house while my insides are trapped inside me,
They squirm and wiggle and fight to be free.
If this prison even exists, I can't escape it.
I wish I could fake it.
But this blood beneath my skin is boiling and my throat is hoarse from screaming.
I can't stop cheating.
My hinged jaw sways in the silence.
My lungs are being spread apart.
Help me before they take me and strip my heart